Thursday, April 21, 2016



100% Growth in 10 Days - Yes get 10% daily:: 100% for 10 Days
•Minimum Provide Help Amount: $10
Maximum Provide Help Amount: $150 Maximum limit will increase on June 1, 2016
•Growth Daily 7 days a week.
•Locking Period: 10 Days
Locking period is a time duration where your growth will not stop but before withdrawing you need to wait at-least your locking period.
•Re-Commitment: This amount must be equal or Greater Than previous commitment.
Before 10th Day you must be create a Re-commitment order and it should be confirmed then only we will release your total Mavro. Otherwise it will be in your account itself. After completion of Re-commitment Order we will release your whole Mavro.

This table is the potential growth continuous weekly recommitment and gethelp based on 100% growth on a 2 months period.

Leader Bonus
Once you will become a manager you will start getting leader bonus. Your position hierarchy is as follows.
•Junior Manager
•100 Manager
•1 K Manager
•10 K Manager
•100 K Manager

Bonuses are designed for everyone from participants to managers.
•3% Speed Bonus: When your complete your give help request before 24 hours.
•2% Speed confirmation Bonus: When your complete Get help request confirmation before 24 hours.
•5% Referral Bonus: Get 5% from your every direct sponsor participants.
•5% Manager Bonus: Yes get 5% Manager Bonus from all the participants whom you manage.

Notice: If any person done fake activities their id and their sponsor id will be block immediately and there is no chance to unblock the IDs

Note: Only manager can register a participant.
To get registered.
Please send me the fallowing:
Your Full Name:
Your Valid Email:
Your Contact#: (country code) (local contact#)
Your Region/Country of Origin:

You can ask me here if you have any question.
You can also add me here:
whatsapp- +639098930818
skype- angel.mendoza32

Payment PROOFS

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